Thursday, 20 December 2007

Stuff I'm not saying

We (update: may have) lost the house, no-one's fault I guess but we need a new house now. I don't have much to say about that.

There are things I'd like to blog about but one of them involves individuals whose privacy should be respected and another involves groups who I don't want to misrepresent.

All in all there's a lot of stuff I've got to say, but that I can't or just really shouldn't. The Internet, whilst a fantastic conduit for free speech, doesn't really make self expression any easier.

Abstract philosophical musings or whatever, I can do, but I don't want to because they are boring and I don't want to write them any more than anyone wants to read them. Next time I have something real to talk about that I actually can talk about then I'll do that. For now, go amuse yourself with some free music or just stop reading altogether.

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